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EESI Welcomes Two Energy Leaders to Its Board of Directors
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is welcoming two new members to its board of directors: Philip R. Sharp, a former U.S. representative from Indiana who also led Resources for the Future between 2005 and 2016, and Robert Jackson, a leader in the nonprofit space and former Michigan state energy official.
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EESI Commemorates 40 Years of Climate Action
Exactly 40 years ago today, the first board of directors of the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) convened in Washington, D.C., to set an ambitious agenda to educate policymakers about environmental, energy, and climate change topics. Former Rep. Richard L. "Dick" Ottinger (D-N.Y.) was elected to serve as the first chair of the board along with former Rep. Thomas B. Evans (R-Del.) as vice-chair.
Barbara Martinez Joins EESI Board of Directors
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is delighted to welcome a new member, Barbara Martinez, to its board of directors. Martinez is a conservation biologist who firmly believes that innovation and science can help reverse and prevent our planet’s greatest problems.
EESI Launches Future Climate Leaders Scholarship
As part of its commitment to promote and advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is announcing a new scholarship for Future Climate Leaders. EESI will award up to $5,000 each academic year to an undergraduate student pursuing studies relevant to environmental, clean energy, and climate policy at a historically Black college or university (HBCU) in the mid-Atlantic or southern region.
EESI Welcomes New Policy Leaders to Its Board
The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) is welcoming two new board members: Raya Salter, a New York-based energy and climate justice law and policy expert, and Lieutenant General (Ret.) Jeffrey W. Talley, a businessman, scholar, and retired Army officer.
EESI Names Daniel Bresette as New Executive Director
“I am absolutely thrilled to be joining the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), a fantastic organization I have long admired,” said Daniel Bresette, who became EESI’s new Executive Director on October 1. He is taking the reins from Carol Werner, who had been with EESI for 32 years, 21 of which as Executive Director.
Carol Werner Announces Retirement as EESI Executive Director
Carol Werner, who has served as the Environmental and Energy Study Institute's Executive Director for the past 21 years, will step down in summer 2019, once her successor is confirmed. "Carol has been an amazing asset to the organization, and has played a critical role in making EESI the trusted policymaker resource it is today," said EESI Chair Jared Blum.
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